Monday, February 01, 2010

New year, new start

Right, that's it. I've had enough of being a miserable sod. I've decided that it's high time I stopped moping about and made things happen this year. It is all going to change. I started internet dating again the other week and I've been on a few dates and this weekend just gone I met an absolutely gorgeous girl and we really clicked. We both really like each other and we're chatting every day and seeing each other again this weekend. Now, it's early days, make no mistake about it, but everything looks positive at the moment. I don't want to some over all soppy and start eulogising, but she is gorgeous - absolutely stunning. I am genuinely punching well above my weight and she thinks I'm 'ruggedly good looking' which I'm assured is a very good thing. Not that I've ever though of myself that way, ruggedly plain perhaps, but hell I'm not turning down a compliment like that!

I'm smiling. A lot. Which is pretty unusual for me at the best of times, so I am pretty damned happy right now. Of course, maybe it'll fizzle out or whatever, but even if it does (and I sincerely hope it doesn't), I will have had a fantastic time and now know that there are lots of gorgeous girls out there looking for someone just as I am and some of them seem to like me. So no matter what, I'm going to make this year work and that means being proactive in finding someone and finding a new job that actually pays me what I'm worth and then using the extra cash to pay off my debts (not that I have many) and then start saving properly for a house deposit.

But never fear, dear reader, for I will still feel the need to rant now and again, so the old me will still make comedic appearances to bring occasional mirth and eyebrow raising. But I'm not going to allow myself to be miserable through inertia and excuses.

Listening to: Hafdis Huld - Synchronised Swimmers


Andrew said...

Does she have a sister?

Captain Flymo said...

She does, but sadly she's married with kids!