Friday, February 08, 2008

Back off the law, beardy

It seems that the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams (weird-beird Welsh God botherer who likes to be seen as a bit mystical and druid like) has suggested that adopting elements of Sharia law into the UK legal system is "inevitable". Quote from the BBC news website:

Dr Williams said the UK had to "face up to the fact" some citizens did not relate to the British legal system.

I don't give the tiniest shit if they relate to it or not. If I moved to a Muslim country they damn sure wouldn't change their legal system to accomodate my background and belief system and why should they? You choose to live in a country therefore you choose to abide by it's rule of law. If Dr Williams is so concerned about it why doesn't he piss off somewhere else and see just how likely other countries are to accomodate him? Then he might, might, just have an inkling of how utterly stupid he is being.

Religions are fine by me so long as they stay out of my way and don't try to dictate what I can and can't do through law, because I consider them to be nothing more than an outmoded crutch for the mentally weak and those unable to accept responsibility for their own actions. Law should be entirely secular as far as I'm concerned because religion is a personal choice and practicioners have no right whatsoever to foist their beliefs and morals on me. All in all, this is a great example of how utterly ridiculous the Church of England in particular has become and how irrelevant to the running of a country they really are. If you must have a mouth piece, at least choose one who isn't a bloody fool.