Friday, August 25, 2006

Quality, not quantity

I like to think that the infrequency of my posts means that the quality is higher than that of the average blog. However, anyone who has read my blog will realise that this is patent bollocks so I'll move swiftly on.

And move on to dating, no less. Yes, that's right, dating, particularly of the internet kind. But the difference is that this is not a rant, oh no. After what seems like an eternity, I have found normal people who can carry on a conversation and don't just stop talking to you apropos of nothing. Indeed, last night I went on a date. A real one. In a public place. With a lady. Better yet, we had a good time nattering away, we got on really well, and, all things being equal, I hope we will see each other again.

But it doesn't end there. In some weird analogy with buses, you wait ages and then two come along at once. Yes, another date with another nice lady (or at least I hope so - it's in a couple of days). Here's the rub though: I suspect I haven't quite got the hang of internet dating yet despite my long suffering attempts, because I feel guilty about dating two girls. No, not in a cheating or bigamous kind of way, but I feel bad that I am having first dates with two women so close together, and I just know that the next first date will go just as well as the first because life is cruel like that.

Last nights date with, well, let's call her Julie being as that's not her name, was really good fun and she was everything I would look for in a girlfriend and she was very cute too. I got the feeling that we definitely clicked in a good way. Of course, I could be wrong but I'd be more than happy to see what happens and would be very happy if a relationship formed. But over the weeks of chatting with Jenny (again, not her real name), we've been getting on extremely well too and my worry is that this date will go just as well.

You might wonder how that can be a worry, but I am an enormously paranoid person when it comes to dating and I don't want to have to choose. Mind you, that's jumping waaaaay ahead of myself there because that situation would only arise if a large number of things happen in a certain way, but being a pessimist, I view the worst possible situation as having to choose between them. That, to me, would be even worse than both of them deciding that I'm not what they're looking for. The more I think about it, the more I think that last night went so swimmingly that should something develop then I'd be daft to even consider something else.

You see, choice has never really featured in my life like that because I'm not that proactive about relationships: I have spent a long time not looking for one and therefore when the remotest possibility of two pop up (and we are talking so remote that the Hubble telescope would have trouble spotting it) I panic a bit and realise I have no idea what I'm doing.

Well, I suppose it's better than moaning about how crap modern dating is.