Tuesday, April 08, 2008

In other news

Lets go crazy with the posting today.

Some crazy kids at Westminster Council have decided to copyright the design of the street signs which you find all over that part of London in order to protect the image of the area as a top class tourist destination. Exactly how? Well, they claim it will prevent dodgy street hawkers punting hooky gear with slightly iffy copies of the street names on them. Wow. I'm sure that'll really help London's image more than, oh I don't know, cleaning the streets properly, not ripping everyone off for pretty much everything, getting rid of the miserable cat-voiced car-hating communist who runs the city like a personal fiefdom or maybe, just maybe, having public servants who aren't surly and unhelpful. Yeah, I can see the relief etched all over the faces of global tourists everywhere now they know that their souvenir fridge magnets will be proper licensed replicas, keenly priced to reflect the not-at-all obscene cost of licensing the design.

Any readers in central London - that's your tax dollars that is.